Gain a Complete Picture of Your Project’s Health with InEight’s Construction Reports

InEight’s automated construction reports enable you to view real-time data across your organization. Save time and money by monitoring all phases of a project. Know when critical issues arise and address them immediately. Track your cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) over time for an accurate, up-to-date look into the status of your project.

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Cost Performance Index


Make informed decisions by knowing your cost performance index at every stage of your project. Catch issues and adjust accordingly earlier in the project. Review the daily cost performance on your project at a granular level with breakdowns by work hours and tasks completed. Track the factors that influence CPI fluctuations, and use them to build more accurate forecasts for future projects.

Cost Performance Index

Schedule Performance Index


Update your construction reports from the field in real time with InEight Report. Use up-to-the-minute progress reports to calculate a highly accurate schedule performance index. Know your efficiency at each stage of a project. Compare progress against the project plan to see right away if you are behind or ahead of schedule. Refer to past SPI data when creating the plan for each new project.

Schedule Performance Index

Man Hour Curves and Reporting


Compare actual work hours against the forecasted plan on a weekly basis. See areas of low productivity and make adjustments to the schedule right away. Improve your forecasting for future projects by comparing the total work hours for a project against a baseline. View planned, approved and actual employee work hours on each project.

Man Hour Curves

S-Curve Analysis


Evaluate the overall success of your project with more accuracy, thanks to s-curve graphs. Gain insight into your planned and actual cash flow, and measure the quantity output of each construction project. Extrapolate quality, work hours and cost on different project timelines to avoid surprises, mitigate risk and forecast the future of the project.

S Curves

Commodity Curves


Track and report your commodity quantities for each project. View cumulative quantities over time. Work from a pre-made weekly forecast schedule for each commodity. See your actual quantities against your scheduled quantities, and know at all times whether your project is on schedule.

Commodity Curves

Key Performance Indicators


Monitor KPIs with frequent performance reports. Get a better idea of the total health of your company with insights into your financials, risks and productivity. By understanding your company’s strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be able to create more accurate estimates and avoid bidding on work that is outside your scope.

Key Performance Indicators

Cut Project Analysis Time by 50% with InEight’s Construction Reports

Isolated point-of-use solutions may work well on smaller projects. But when it comes time to scale, it’s important to have a central platform where your team can find solutions, view data and collaborate.

Our dynamic reporting and performance software enables you to access a nearly infinite amount of data, subscribe to specific reports and gain key insights at a glance. Choose from more than 200 standard reports built on our industry knowledge. Establish open communication channels with key stakeholders on a project, thanks to visual reports that bring data to life.

Single Source of Truth

Manage tasks, contractors and reports by the thousands, all on a centralized platform. Streamline communication by sharing reports between the field, front office, executives and inspectors.

Improved Project Safety

Subscribe to a specific report and have it delivered to your inbox every day — no need to go to the application. Compare data and view progress with dynamic visuals and easy-to-understand reports.

Improved Project Safety

View reports based on compliance data to avoid safety hazards on the job site. Keep sensitive information secure with permissions-based dashboards and reporting.

Discover More about InEight’s Construction Reports

See how InEight’s performance and reporting software equips today’s construction professionals with the tools and features to monitor capital projects. Learn how our construction reporting solutions can streamline your workflow while increasing the quality of your projects.

Discover InEight Report
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