
A Series of Customer Stories About their Digital Journey

Join us on December 8th, 2021, for the final installment of this four-part series.

Tuesday, December 07, 2021 | 11 a.m. MST and AEDT

No matter where you are in the digital transformation journey, you may still have questions — and even some concerns. Great news! We have the help you need. 

Join us for The Digital Transformation Experience, a four-part interview series in which industry leaders will share their insights on digital transformation with each episode covering a different phase of the project life cycle — from pre-planning all the way through to operations. Our guests will share their first-hand experiences and offer practical solutions to help you streamline your processes, de-risk your future outcomes and get the most out of your project data across the capital project life cycle. 

Here’s our schedule of guests and the project phases they’ll discuss:

Nov 3: APTIM and Kane Constructions: Pre-Planning

Nov 10: Decmil and Chemex Global: Design and Construction

Dec 1: Los Angeles World Airports and Microsoft: Startup and Operations

Dec 8: WSP & North East Link Project: Using an Integrated Platform Across All Project Phases  

Sign up for any or all of these conversations. If you miss them, we’ll offer on-demand recordings. 


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