Alternative Project
Delivery For
Improved Design Management

While the design-bid-build model is best for projects that are not technically complex, in other words where the design is 100% constructible and there is minimal risk of uncovering unknowns, it is not always ideal. As we look to recent industry trends, the re-emergence of the alternative delivery method starts to make a lot of sense.



In a traditional design-bid-build, the agency has full control over design, but any issues with design and their resulting increases in construction costs are completely on the owner. Industry and public agencies have learned from the days of unaddressed risk being pushed from entity to entity resulting in costly change orders. Other consequences may include extra charges for impending supply chain limitations, labor shortages, or environmental concerns. A single surprise can cost taxpayers millions of dollars and cause weeks in schedule delays.



In alternative delivery models, risk is reduced early on through team analysis. This early engagement and collaboration helps to mitigate risk that impacts overall cost and schedule.



With alternative delivery powered by the right technology, both agency and design-builder can step into the relationship with a commitment to doing what’s best for the project. Instead of selecting partners based on the lowest cost, agencies award alternative delivery contracts by the highest qualifications. Instead of quick-turn executions, design-builders become integrated portions of the planning team and carry greater risk. When partners are selected by qualifications, transportation departments and other agencies find themselves with a partner eager to collaborate, one that’s aligned with their goals and outcomes and has proven to be trustworthy, fair and transparent.


Are you ready to apply alternative project delivery for improved design management?

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