
Your project planning is complete. And now it’s time for the next phase, execution.

The phase in which plans are followed to complete construction of the project. Processes during execution and include keeping track of workers allocated activities, logging equipment, management of materials, and work completion progress. The idea behind all these processes is be able to finish your project on time and under budget. However, many capital projects today suffer from poor execution. Due to outdated processes that are ineffective and inefficient.

One of the first challenges that contractors face during execution is inefficient operational planning from the outset. For many contractors, planning and execution have different processes. And much of the information is housed in siloed systems that do not communicate with each other. Not having all this information in one streamlined modern system prevent stakeholders from knowing planned tasks, quantities, and productivity goals that are essential to the success of the project.

Another challenge plaguing the of projects is the reliance on manual time collection processes, inefficient field quantity capture procedures, and paper logs, which are a waste of time and cause confusion with the information that is collected.

As a result, all of these challenges can have negative impacts on the project. However, what if I told you there was a better way. With the InEight Field Execution solution, contractors can revolutionize the way they execute work in field, providing a direct line of communication from the office to the field and back again. Plus, when combined with InEight’s Work Planning solution, contractors are able to integrate project planning with real time productivity analysis making the most complex project updates seems simple.

Our solution allows you to ensure operational success through detailed integrated daily instruction reports and plans delivered at the project’s location seamlessly combine three key field processes, time collection, quantity capture, and daily logs into a single intuitive mobile experience for crews, gain immediate insight into performance with real time productivity analysis with or without connectivity.

If you’d like to learn more about this and other InEight solutions, contact us and we’ll be happy to schedule a free demo.

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