Streamline Your Processes with InEight’s
construction change order management software

Streamline Processes

Construction change orders are an inevitable part of every building project. With InEight’s construction change order management software, you can mitigate the risks that come with change, gain visibility into your issues and streamline your change management process.

Protect PRofit Margins

Our robust change order management software allows you to manage a living history of your changes — thanks to integrations across our suite of project management software. Create a vendor related issue or back charge in InEight® Change, then track the issues within InEight® Contract. Add, view and update issues from web or mobile devices. Integrate change orders with your financial software for a complete picture of the impact to your schedule and budget. Filter issues by type, source and cause, and see the resolution status of each order at a glance.

By integrating change order management and contract management software, you have greater flexibility in the field and an increased capacity to store data on each project. Protect your profit margins by handling change orders right away with InEight Change.


Track and view the status of issues from the field and the office. Improve your construction change order process with better visibility into your existing issues.


See the impact of potential change orders (PCO) on your schedule and budget. Mitigate risk during the estimating process by planning ahead for construction change orders.


View, approve and add feedback to issues as they occur. Easily keep your clients and team members in the loop with a central platform for change orders in construction processes.


Record vendor change orders, client change orders (GCO), backcharges and more in a searchable, easy-to-access library — in case of an IRS audit or any legal issue.

Improve Your Construction Change Order Management Process with Configurable Software

Successful change management involves collaboration between teams. Create, view and update change orders on a central platform for transparent communication between the field, office and clients.

Contract Administrators

Manage change orders within a central workflow. Collaborate easily with key stakeholders by getting approvals, updates and verifications from one platform.

Accounts Payable

See change orders as they occur and approve payments right away. Know the impact of potential change orders before they occur.


Record field issues more efficiently, thanks to automated workflows. Provide feedback, approve payments and enjoy greater visibility into the change management process.

Project Owners

Avoid surprises with complete visibility into project issues. Tackle issues as they occur in real-time, reducing the impact on your budget and schedule.

6 Key Steps to Streamline Your Construction Change Order Management Process

Without proper management, construction change orders can throw a wrench in project schedules and directly impact your bottom line. Use software to reduce risk, protect profit margins and integrate scope changes into your budget.

Build Contingency into Your Estimates

Before the project begins, consider the impact of potential change orders to your budget, and use historical data to build a contingency.

Establish a Standard Workflow

Automated workflows make it easier for teams to execute changes as they occur. Make sure everyone knows their role to avoid costly delays.

Integrate with the Field

Take advantage of integrations with estimating, financial, schedule and field data systems. See the impact to your project and adjust in real time.

Communicate with Stakeholders

Organize your documents in one central place, and establish open communication between field managers, superintendents, project managers and clients.

Track Costs for Long-term Projects

As change orders occur, return to your contract and renegotiate costs, as necessary. Use real-time reports and data capture to protect profits.

Analyze Actual Project Costs

Compare the impact of construction change orders on the project, and use this data to create more accurate estimates in the future.

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