8 Document Control Must-Haves for Capital Construction

Most enterprise-grade construction document control software delivers core capabilities that you should consider table stakes, but not all systems handle the complexity and changeability of your business and workflows equally well. Here, we discuss the areas that particularly deserve careful evaluation against the demands of your business. Keep your future needs in mind as well; a careful investment in the right solution will serve you effectively even when the business environment shifts and your strategy adapts to changing times.

Too many firms end up with the wrong system in place, so we’re here to help. Download our guide to learn what to keep in mind as you’re choosing a solution. You’ll learn:

  • How batch data capture processes can cut your document capture process by up to 75%
  • What to look for in review and approval capabilities
  • The workflow functionality that can cut down on inefficiency
  • And more

Get your buying committee on the same page and avoid system selection mistakes by organizing and aligning your requirements.



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