Many of us have been thrown into a situation we’ve never been in – a global pandemic featuring COVID-19. While we may have planned for the typical unexpected challenges as far as construction projects go, no script existed for this. But the...
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As construction professionals, we’ve all experienced the “uh-oh” and “oh no, not again” scenarios. The ones that, despite our best efforts, seem to conspire to throw carefully developed construction schedules into disarray — weather events, supply chain hiccups, inventory shortages, last-minute change orders, even a pandemic, just to name a few. Given the extended timelines […]
I have been reminiscing about the last 25-30 years of my career in design now that I am in a solution engineering role. It is interesting to see how much has changed over time and how much has stayed the same. I remember starting in the late eighties working on a drawing board in an […]
Knowledge and human intelligence are often considered the most valuable asset for any organization. As humans, we learn by asking questions to seek knowledge. What’s important is that organizations promote a knowledge sharing culture, to ensure that information is available to those who may need it. Today, especially when project teams are remote and geographically […]
In and of itself, optimism isn’t a bad thing. When managing capital projects, it can give us the confidence we need to overcome obstacles and take risks head on. But too much optimism and we’re more likely to disregard those risks, ambitiously underestimating what’s really involved in completing a project, overpromising and underdelivering on both […]
Integrating cost and scheduling is something the engineering and construction industry has been pursuing for many, many years. Stakeholders on all sides of a project, from owner to contractor, have coveted an integrated approach on their projects. Cost and schedule are not unique in this sense. What makes cost-schedule integration such an attractive challenge is […]
While risk is a part of our everyday lives, many studies have shown that humans are notoriously bad at estimating risk probabilities in isolation and even worse when those risks are linked to ourselves. The recent pandemic brought the whole process of risk identification into sharp focus. When renowned statistician, Professor David Spiegelhalter, tried to […]