InEight Innovations: See What’s New to the InEight Platform in 2022

3/30/2022 | 38 Minutes
Join us for a rundown of the latest enhancements to the InEight integrated project controls platform.

You’ll hear from InEight Chief Product Officer Brad Barth on how these innovations will help you:

  • Improve your project controls through advanced EVM functionality.
  • Gain complete data access across the project life cycle.
  • Address increasing delivery complexity and labor challenges through
    advanced scheduling.

Brad will also be joined by Felix CEO Mike Davis, who will discuss how the InEight integration with Felix vendor management software will help you leverage a single source of truth for your vendor library and reduce overhead spent on chasing updates.


Brad Barth:

All right, welcome everybody. My name is Brad Barth. I’m a chief product officer for InEight and really excited to talk to you today about our spring innovations that we’re making in the InEight platform. I love this chance to do this. We do this quarterly and love the chance here to show off some of the great things that our fantastic product teams are working on and bringing out to the market. As usual, we get a lot to cover and let’s get right to it. We’re going to have a special guest speaker here today as well. As I said, my name’s Brad Barth, chief product officer for InEight. I’ve been with the company really from the beginning, since going back to the early 90s on this journey. But like I said, I’m thrilled to be joined here today by Mike Davis, who’s CEO from Felix and he’s going to talk about some of the great integration work that’s going on between InEight and Felix. Mike, thanks for joining us. How you doing?

Mike Davis:

Great. Thanks, Brad. Excited to be here and talk to you today about Felix and the partnership with InEight and the great work that we’re doing together.

Brad Barth:

Excellent. It’s really exciting stuff. And it’s so exciting. We’re going to hold you Mike to the end so we’re going to build up some anticipation there. Mike, stay limber and we’ll bring you back in here in just a minute. Wait for our queue here.

Mike Davis:

See you soon.

Brad Barth:

Thanks for being with us. All right. Let’s get right into it.

Maybe as a bit of a refresher, just to kind of restate the vision that InEight has in terms of our integrated project controls vision that we are executing against. Before we jump into kind of what’s new, let’s talk about what is it that InEight is bringing to the market? And how do you guys take advantage of it? And really that vision is centered around these three points of this triad, the scope, cost and schedule kind of triad for project controls, fundamental aspects of any project or program. We are looking continually to add functionality into each one of those points on that triad, to make sure that you can have the functionality that you all need to manage the data relative to scope, cost and schedule but also to create connections between them. And we’ll talk a little bit more about that as we go along.

But most importantly, we want to be able to enable organizations that depend on the successful delivery of construction projects or programs, to be able to do two things, set expectations and those expectations could be in the form of estimates, budgets, schedules, models, documents, contracts, et cetera, all those things that kind of define what is it that we’re building but then also track the outcomes, monitor the outcomes as the project is moving along, are we hitting our expectations? Where do we have gaps? Where do we need to make adjustments?

And most importantly, when we’re done with that project, understand what were the deltas? What did we have wrong in our expectations that we can learn from and do it better the next time? And also what risk perhaps did we experience on this project that we want to kind of throw in that knowledge library so that next time we’re in a similar project or similar situation, those risks can be surfaced for us and we can include those in the expectations in the first place in proper proportion. It’s really both sides of that equation, expectations, equal outcomes is really our goal for your projects and your programs. Let’s talk a little bit more detail about how we do that. And then we’ll talk about what’s new in the spring quarter here.

The InEight solution is made up of eight, you can think of them as modules or eight solutions across the top there and they really run the gamut from estimating through all the key things, scheduling, document management, contract management, to quality and commissioning, VIM or virtual design and construction. The full gamut there of functionality that’s built into the InEight solution. And that solution really enables those business processes that you see down below. Those 18 business processes, InEight customers can look at, hey, what are the things that are most important to us? And let’s focus on those things. The nice thing about the InEight solution is that it is modular. It’s not something that you’ve got to, hey, let’s go change everything that we’re doing and replace all of our systems. And frankly, we run into customers that have 20, 30 different systems to do all of these things. Certainly one of the big benefits is let’s bring all this stuff together, but you can gradually work your way into it. You can start with the parts that are most important.

And so today we’ve got a lot of new things to talk about, but we’re really going to focus on a couple of those business processes, some of the new things that we’re bringing out relative to earned value management and relative to scheduling and short interval planning. We’ll also talk about some general platform enhancements, some new things that we’re just going to announce, a couple of big announcements for you around reporting and analytics.

And then as I said, we’ll get back to Mike here in a minute and talk about an integration between InEight and Felix. Integrations is a big part of this platform. It’s not just the functionality and the connectivity across these business processes, it’s the open platform that InEight sits on that enables it to integrate with other systems that is equally important. The Felix integration, I think, is a great example of that. Really looking forward to hearing from Mike on that. And like I said, ultimately at the end of the day, we’ve got to be able to communicate to project teams, to project stakeholders, through dashboards, through metrics, through KPIs, through reports. And we’ve got some nice announcements that I will make here relative to that area in just a minute.

Like I said, let’s talk through these categories. We’re going to start with earned value management and then we’ll get into scheduling. Earned value management, I won’t go into a diatribe or history of what is earned value management. We’ll save that for another time. We have a lot of information on our website, by the way, if anybody’s interested in that, but if you’re using earned value management today, either internally or even sometimes it’s a requirement, from a contractual perspective to use earned value metrics, to drive the project, to drive that visibility between the owner and other stakeholders. But regardless of where you’re at on that earned value management adoption or spectrum, the nice thing about InEight is it is a nice, simple solution. You can really enable kind of the basics or fundamentals of earned value quite easily without worrying about all the formulas and how does all the data come together and all that kind of stuff. That’s all built in.

And increasingly, we continue to add more and more functionality relative to earned value management and some of the dashboards and reports and so forth that come out of the tool. But one of the things that’s really critical to earned value management, regardless of where you’re at on that spectrum is the percent complete. We’ll talk a little bit about how that comes into play. What InEight does that’s unique in that area and then we’ll talk about some of the new things, particularly relative to SBI and some of the changes that we have added or enhancements that we’ve added that really give you just a lot more flexibility relative to earned value.

let’s again, just as a starting point, we can’t talk about earned value without talking about percent complete. And it’s critical obviously to have an objective view of percent complete. Percent complete is obviously the fuel that drives our earned value metrics like CPI and SPI, particularly on a construction project, on a physical asset like this, we’ve got to understand usually, what is our physical percent complete. Could also be duration percent complete or work hours percent complete. But when you’re talking about physical percent complete, one of the things that the InEight solution does is gives you the ability to create rules of credit or claiming schemes is another term for that. What does that mean? Well, if we’re doing cast in place concrete, we could have in our library, a standard list of what are the steps, what are the sort of typical activities, if you will, that we go through when we’re doing cast in place concrete? Maybe we got a line item in the budget for concrete columns, let’s say.

To simplify and make it objective what’s the percent complete for that concrete? These are the steps that we’re going to go through. Users can define these, but here’s it’s obviously going to be a different list of steps for a piping or electrical work versus concrete work. You can define what those are, but we’re going to say, “Hey, in order to drive our percent complete for that cast in place concrete, we’re going to say, ‘Hey, we get 20% of that when we’ve erected the forms, we get another 20% when we’ve tied the rebar,’ and all the way through it.”

That ensures that everybody that’s looking at percent complete has the same view of what does that percent complete really mean? We’re not taking a guess. And if you’re using InEight’s field data capture solution, foremen, superintendents, project engineers can on their mobile device can be saying, “Yeah, we got these forms done. We got that rebar done.” And the system’s doing all those calculations for you to calculate those earned values and percent complete. That’s kind of step one. We need to be able to kind of standardize and take the human sort of guesswork out of what is that percent complete.

One of the new things that we’ve done in this quarter is that we now have the ability to essentially baseline or lock in the budget on a partial basis. Particularly for projects that are design build projects or projects where we’ve got scope that’s evolving, we don’t have to have just sort of one start date, one baseline for the entire project. You can do that sort of scope by scope. This project that you’re seeing on this screen here, just pulled in a section of it. We’re just looking at one little bit of this building in this case, but just know that, that is one of the enhancements that we’ve done. Maybe these utilities were designed out and are ready to kind of start thinking about an execution and earned value on that scope at a later date than maybe the civil work. You can kind of lock in those baselines and original budgets on a gradual basis.

The other thing you can do now in the tool is you can really take advantage of we’ve enhanced the SPI. You see on this screen here, if you look kind of down at that, let’s just focus on that underground piping line. You kind of see its percent complete and that comes from those rules of credit, like we just talked about. And so if you look at that underground piping line there, we can kind of see now we’ve got our percent complete coming in from those rules of credit, we can calculate our earned cost. That’s basically that 39% of the budget is that earned cost. But then we can also, one of the things we can do now is we can look at your planned cost to date.

As we mash up the budget with the schedule, we can start to look at what do we expect to spend over time? And that’s what that column is showing you there. We expected, at this point in time, according to the schedule to do $132,000 worth of work, we’ve actually done $154,000 worth of work. As you look over on the right now, we can give you that CPI view. Anything greater than one is good. And then also that SBI view, same situation. Anything greater than one is good, less than one is bad. And so we’ve got right in front of us here on just this one screen, a lot of good metrics to help us understand from a number of different perspectives. How are we doing against the budget? We’re doing good. How are we doing against the schedule? We’re doing good.

But then we can also even look at, if you’re in the contractors chair, how are we doing from a revenue perspective? How are we doing from a cost versus budget forecast perspective? Even though we’ve got good metrics right now, we’re still forecasting coming in over budget on that, so we can drill into that and see why. There may be, the performance we’ve been achieving so far, maybe we don’t expect that to continue. Lots of different ways to drive the forecast. And those earned value metrics really give you the ammunition, if you will, to help you understand, hey, where are we? How are we doing against our assumptions? And knowing what’s coming in the future, do we need to change anything there to drive that forecast?

Great new functionality there that we’re bringing out into our control products here, where we can look at partially locking the budgets, lock in certain sections of the budgets over time. And then also take advantage of that scheduled integration to be able to show you not only cost versus budget but cost versus how much did we plan to spend by that point in time in the schedule? Really good stuff coming out there relative to earned value management. We’re continuing to add new functionality in terms of our dashboards and reports, the fundamental sort of dashboards, performance factors, S curves are all in there.

Here’s a typical example. This might be an extreme example where our actual cost sort of precedes our earned cost, particularly if we got materials or other things that we got to cost before we start earning the work and then it kind of catches up. But those earned versus burned S curves, performance factors relative to cost, relative to schedule, relative to work hours are all enabled through the tools. If you’re looking for an earned value management solution, we continue to add functionality in that area. And it’s a really a great solution again, regardless of where you’re at on that earned value management adoption.

All right, let’s change gears here a little bit and go into scheduling. InEight continues to, I think, change the game relative to CPM scheduling and not in the sense that we’re reinventing CPM scheduling but in the sense that we are really reinventing the way that CPM scheduling and planning is done and how teams are involved in that process. We call it kind of democratizing schedule and democratizing risk and that means getting more people involved, making it easier for subject matter experts to get involved in schedule creation and planning. And also using AI. I mentioned early on about let’s learn from previous projects. Let’s take lessons learned from previous projects and use that to help us create more realistic risk adjusted schedules and budgets in the future.

Here’s a perfect example. We want to leverage that history. We call it the knowledge library and there’s some artificial intelligence that we bring to bear on that, to help you identify from that history, what risk do we need to be thinking of about? What durations are likely on this new project? And then most importantly, let’s go through a collaborative process. Let’s get more people involved in creating these schedules, not just a scheduling system expert, let’s get field folks, let’s get superintendents, let’s get third parties, folks that have experience. They don’t need to be experts in scheduling systems, but they can provide commentary and they can validate the schedules very easily through this tool.

The big news here relative to InEight’s scheduling solution is that we do now go to the hourly level of granularity. Prior to this current release, our schedules, we would go to the nearest day. We’d look at daily schedules. Now we can go down to the hour in your work calendars, in your planning, we can go down to an hourly basis now in the schedules. We get asked a lot, what’s, what’s the difference between this and let’s say a Primavera P6 and increasingly we see more and more migration away from P6 into this. And that hourly planning was one of those enhancements that now really facilitates that move. If you’re doing planning to that level of granularity, no reason you can’t jump into InEight schedule now and take advantage of all the great things that we provide built into the tool around the collaboration, around the artificial intelligence, around the risk assessment.

Again, whether it’s hourly or daily, as you’re creating a new schedule, you can go in maybe for this new building that we’re trying to schedule out, early stage schedule, hey, we know there’s going to be some construction in here. What the system can do is start to show you, hey, here’s previous projects that had that same kind of construct or same parameters, maybe same geography, you can kind of define what it goes and looks at for you but now we can go on and say, “Let’s even down to the subnet level, let’s see what’s a logical sequence of the work that based on those past projects?” Fills that out for us and now we can then start to get feedback from those subject matter experts that I was talking about, to kind of validate the durations.

And that’s kind of what you’re seeing here. If we jump up into that pre-construction section up there, we’ve said, “Hey, let’s have these four folks here, that’s their initials that you can see there, let’s have them comment and validate the schedule durations.” Whether it’s the original schedule or remaining duration, they can go in easily just through their browser, just for the items that you’ve assigned to them or activities you’ve assigned to them and put in those remaining durations, make notes, just make sure that they’re getting their thoughts into that schedule so that the planner can take that input and get more accurate with it. It even gives you a three point distribution down there, min likely max, based on that human input. We call that HI, human intelligence, which we can consider along with that artificial intelligence and then also that risk intelligence.

Being able to manage a risk register. It’s another thing that I think people are attracted to the InEight schedule solution, it’s got a built in risk register, built in risk assessment capabilities. Again, now can be applied to schedules at the hourly level. But what are some of those risks that we need to consider that are relevant to a particular activity even? And let’s make sure we’re considering those as we think about the duration for the schedule and even let’s get all that input in. Let’s get all that human intelligence in. We got all that knowledge from previous projects. Now let’s let the system go through and do some analysis. Let’s do some simulation, some Monte Carlo simulations you see there, that come back.

And in this case, they’re saying, “Hey, if we’re going to achieve a 90% certainty on this project, we’re going to be done in March of 26. If we want a 75% contingency, then we’re going to be done in January of 26.” The system can help us understand even as the foundation for contractual terms, what is a budget and schedule contingency that we need to have in the project in order to hit a certain confidence level? And then that tornado chart below is showing us, hey, what different types of risk? What items do we have the most risk on? What types of risk are in each one of those? Is it event risk? Is it uncertainty risk around the durations? Those types of things. All of that beautiful functionality around collaboration, around risk assessment, all comes into play now, both for schedules at the daily level and schedules at that hourly level. And we do still read and write in Primavera P6 format so if you need to share a schedule with somebody that’s using P6, that’s not a problem. You can do that with no problem.

And that brings us to our platform enhancements. Let’s talk about a couple things that we’re doing relative to dashboards and reporting. And then we’ll get right to Mike and talk about our Felix InEight integration. A couple of announcements here relevant to using InEight data along with data from external systems. Certainly InEight covers a wide swath of project controls data and the data that you need to manage projects and programs but there’s also invariably there’s data in outside systems that you’re going to want to connect in and use. Typical example would be maybe a list of employees, a list equipment, list of projects, master data type stuff. One example, but common example, the InEight connector allows you to, and this is based on Microsoft technology, Power Automate where you can go in and connect, use third party connectors out to other data source, whether that’s Excel, financial systems, HR systems, any of those applications, we can use these connectors to pull data into the InEight platform.

And that really just speeds up implementation, eliminates the need to go create expensive integrations with third party products. That connector enables a really simple and fast approach to get outside data into InEight, again, without having to either manually reenter it or go create a custom program and integration. Really excited about that. Those connectors, that InEight connector is part of hundreds and hundreds of connectors there that support that Microsoft Power Automate approach. And so really, really excited about how that’s going to simplify implementations even more than we’ve seen so far.

And then secondly, along that area kind of going the opposite direction, one of the things that sometimes be people are concerned about from a cloud perspective if we’re using a solution like InEight’s that runs in the cloud, is how do we get to the data? There are solutions out there that make that tough, make it hard to get to the data. InEight Replicate makes it easy. You can take the same data that InEight is using under the hood that feeds our dashboards and feeds our reports, makes it easy to create your own dashboards and reports inside of InEight.

Using Replicate, you can now basically have a real time copy of that database so that you can write SQL queries, connect to it directly. If you want to use an enterprise reporting or dashboarding solution that you already using, you can just connect right to that InEight data and go and do it. Again, eliminates a lot of integration needs, a lot of how do we get data from one place to the other? That InEight Replicate just makes it accessible to you to get to that data and create your own reports and dashboards. Really excited about both of those. Those will continue to make enhancements on those probably every quarter as we go forward but really great stuff there that makes it easy for InEight to exist alongside other systems that you all may be using today.

And that’s probably a good segue into speaking of solutions that you might be using today. We are excited to announce here, integration between Felix and InEight. This is a really exciting, particularly because of the way that Felix and the uses for the Felix solution, as you’ll hear from Mike here in a minute, compliment beautifully what InEight is used for. And so connecting the dots here and creating nice, automated workflows that pass the right information back and forth is really beneficial. Mike, let’s bring you back on here. Welcome back.

Mike Davis:

Thanks, Brad.

Brad Barth:

And go ahead and let’s hear a little bit about Felix and tell us what you guys are up to.

Mike Davis:

Great. Thanks, Brad. Equally excited about the work that we’ve been doing in unlocking the power of InEight plus Felix together. I think we’re super excited about. If the accent didn’t give it away, we’re an Australian headquartered company. I’m in sunny Brisbane at the moment. And I guess just by way of positioning, the way to think about Felix is we’re a third party vendor management and procurement solution that’s been specifically built for and optimized for construction and related sectors. And before I dive into, I guess, features and modules and functionality, I thought just a little bit of a what we’re seeing in the operating environment, certainly in Australia and globally would be helpful for customers of InEight and organizations to understanding why this, I guess, increasing area of focus makes it such an exciting time for InEight and Felix to come together.

The operating landscape that we’re seeing in terms of pressured margins, increasing cost of third party compliance, we have environmental, social and governance targets and objectives on many major projects, as well as everyone’s familiar with the global supply chain constraints that we’re seeing out there as the result of COVID. The overlay of all of these factors driving together, obviously in construction contractors and GCs have a critical dependence on their third parties to actually build and develop and maintain the capital assets that we’re building. All of those factors together mean that we’re seeing an increasing, I guess, wave of digitization of organizations addressing the systems and processes by which they engage and manage with third parties and addressing that at an enterprise level to ensure that they’ve got sufficient process governance, managing, Brad, you mentioned risk a number of times and the different facets of risk. But ensuring adequate supply chain risk management through all of their procurement processes.

And again, resonating with the themes that you spoke about, ensuring that the business intelligence from engagements and work done by third parties, then feeds back into the platform. We’re leveraging those insights to deliver to InEight’s motto of proven project certainty. We might just click onto the next slide, Brad, if you’re with us.

That’s a little bit of operating backdrop and I guess some industry thematics that we’re seeing. Onto Felix, and Felix really has been driven by and led by industry feedbacks and particular gaps that GCs, contractors and owners saw in terms of really purpose built for construction software to meet that need around engaging and pre-qualifying their vendors, complex sourcing on large commercial construction and infrastructure projects and the gamut of approval workflows, evaluation criteria and managing all of those processes through.

Like InEight, Felix is a modular solution. The nucleus of which is our vendor management and our vendor intelligence module. That’s the real nerve center. And I guess the paradigm shift is really adding a really nice and modern front end. Traditionally, this data may have been managed by GCs and stored in ERPs and limited data set and often decaying as it’s managed by the GC. The paradigm shift to having a really modern two way portal with all of your third party vendors, to manage their information, manage bids and contracts, et cetera, that’s the nerve center. Bolting into that, we have sourcing modules, contracts repositories, a procurement schedule module as well. Again, we spoke about how excited we are about those data points between InEight and Felix. Many of those touchpoints throughout the procurement process, then feedback into InEight. And we’ll touch on that more in a second.

A really robust and comprehensive modular solution, which connects all of the workflows throughout, from onboarding your third party vendors, right through to sourcing and management and performance management. Again like InEight, we can choose to start with one module, which often customers do just to solve a particular pain point and then bolt on other modules as they get going.

Brad might click on the next slide. Again, starting to lean into of the power of InEight and Felix together and having done a power of work with our teams now. I think the level of excitement between the teams together is we can see this coming to life. And I guess what we talk about is that one plus one equals three outcome for users of Felix and InEight, to be able to connect those together. Whether that’s a cross estimate, document synchronization is obviously a critical one and the need for all of those documents to be maintained and synchronized across projects during the procurement phase. And then feeding all of that Felix procurement data back through to InEight and leveraging those insights to continue to make informed business decisions and manage risk through the insights and data that we’ve got real time and at our fingertips. Really powerful stuff and really excited to continue to develop that and showcase to customers what’s possible.

Brad, I think you’re coming back in now and you’ll segue us into this slide, which puts more of a visual bent on it.

Brad Barth:

Yeah. Mike, every time I look at this graphic, I get excited just because we hear from customers all the time, who are using it, you see InEight Estimate they’re on the left and Contract the right, those business processes, both of those as you’re creating estimates or managing contracts, the big part of those is understanding for the work we’re going to subcontract, who are we going to use? What’s it going to cost us for materials that we need to procure? Where are we going to get them? What’s it going to cost? And that, what we hear is that process is often very manual, very intensive, time intensive, all that happens today outside of InEight. And so when I see that you can really, with Felix, fill in those gaps, automate that process, make it more collaborative, I just get excited.

Tell me a little bit, Mike, maybe just paint the picture, your customers, how were they typically doing this kind of stuff before? And maybe paint that kind of before and after picture of this is how people are trying to do this stuff today. And here’s what it’s like in a cloud based collaborative system like yours.

Mike Davis:

Sure, Brad. I guess like a lot of technology where we’re coming in and digitizing, we see the gamut of manual paper based processes often, spreadsheets, a lot of Excel, but moreover than the manual and often paper based nature of the former, are teams working in silos, a lack of transparency and collaboration between projects, teams and their third parties. Or we see a piecemeal patchwork of systems, a combination of systems and manual processes sort of stitching this together but not quite effective or cohesive or leveraging the power of that being in one platform. Often we’ll come in and it’s a process of understanding the manner by which organizations are doing this and replicating a lot of those forms and workflows within Felix to wrap around their sort of existing process, which makes that change management easier.

I think traditionally, procurement has perhaps been thought of as a silo within a project but clearly with the level of dependence on third parties and subs to complete and deliver the works, those touchpoints and data points are happening right throughout a project. When we look at the number of modules that Felix will feed back into, I think that’s the understanding now that procurement is right throughout a project in terms of the subs delivering the work on time, on schedule, how are we tracking against that procurement schedule? What’s overs and what’s unders? And I think that with just the scale and complexity that GCs are taking on in terms of new projects, having that adequate underpinning of solid systems and processes allows them to scale much more effectively.

Brad Barth:

Perfect. And let me just kind of walk through a scenario, keep me honest, Mike, but the vision for this is let’s say we’re ready to finalize that estimate. We’re finalizing our price or our tender. We need to kind of, at least for the major items of work that we’re going to subcontract or procure, maybe we have a bunch of documents already inside of InEight Document, drawings, specs, ISOs, whatever that material list, equipment list. And now we want to go source that stuff. That’s where Felix comes in. We can leverage Felix to do a start to finish a collaboration process and make those documents available to the vendors or subcontractors so they’ve got that context to give us a price. And then that helps us finalize the estimate. And then now the project goes forward and we’re ready to turn those into contracts on the right side of that. We might go through some more buyout, some more sourcing, but that integration I think is envisioned to be iterative. Where it’s your solution comes into play there through the sourcing, all the way through that process. Did I get that right, Mike?

Mike Davis:

That’s right. From the initial sort of onboarding of all vendors and by category and location so that by the time we come to initiate a project that may have a 100 packages of work to be tendered out across the project to deliver right through from pre-construction through to finishing trades, the creation and template creation of all of those packages and the nuances for each of those. Then the integration of doc and keeping that synchronized and throughout the procurement process there may be changes to design, updates to scope of work. That can be synchronized from InEight Doc and notifying all tenderers that they need to go in and check an updated version. Once the bidding comes back in at line item level on the package and really granular level detail there, that can ping evaluations teams that they need to come in and evaluate the bid according to their weighted criteria. That may form a recommendation for award workflow. Then we go on to awarding the particular subcontract to that sub. And like you said, onto the other, the modules and workflows within InEight.

Brad Barth:

Well, and what I love about it too, Mike, is you’ve got, with an all digital approach like that, we’re not relying on somebody’s email account to communicate back and forth, sending a 100 MB attachments back and forth. Not only more efficient but you’ve also got an audit trail then too. What questions did those subcontractors or vendors have along the way? How did we answer those questions? Which I would assume probably avoids disputes and just makes the whole process a lot more efficient.

Mike Davis:

That’s right. And circling back to those original thematics, Brad, that we mentioned, whether it’s that auditability and traceability to ensure that we’ve got transparency and governance and accountability, right throughout the process. You mentioned the manual processes that we’re creating efficiencies and driving productivity through. We’ve seen it all. We’ve seen manila folders that required 10 wet signatures before a package can actually just be let out for bidding. And that manila folder being couriered from project office to side office and that taking weeks. We can get that down into just a matter of one or two days in Felix and across major projects when we’re talking about that level of scale. It’s the combination of all of those processes, that gamut of processes really being sped up, that delivers time and budget certainty.

Brad Barth:

Fantastic. That’s awesome, Mike. I appreciate you joining with us here today and giving everybody a view on Felix and how that can participate here with InEight as part of an integrated project controls platform. Really looking forward to the great work coming between our teams here and I’ve been really impressed with the construction knowledge that you guys have and you guys know this space, that vendor management sourcing space better than anybody. And it’s great to be working with you guys. And again, thanks for joining us here, Mike.

Mike Davis:

Thanks for having us, Brad. Excited.



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Lessons in Innovation from Kiewit’s Work on South Fork Wind

Lessons in Innovation from Kiewit’s Work on South Fork Wind

As one of North America’s leading capital contractors, Kiewit delivers everything from manufacturing and fabrication to offshore and power delivery efforts. In 2024, that dedication manifested in the successful delivery of the first-of-its-kind South Fork Wind farm just off the coast of Rhode Island and New York state.