Risk Management

AI-Driven, Risk-Adjusted Plans

InEight Risk Management combines powerful AI, historical data and your team’s real-world expertise to create realistic plans that have been adjusted for cost and schedule risks.


IMPROVE plan accuracy

  • Optimize your planning and scheduling with continual risk identification and assessment — versus one-off risk assessments that are disconnected from reality
  • Account for risk in real time and analyze the impact based on past project history and team feedback
  • Attain greater collaboration and accuracy as you include risk input from those who have first-hand experience with the work
  • Identify risks that may go unnoticed through artificial intelligence
  • Protect profit margins by reducing risk before you bid


Real-time visibility

  • Leverage the built-in risk register to list discrete event risk threats, opportunities and ideas. And make them visible to team members throughout construction
  • Gain visibility into areas of varying and low consensus via team member feedback, then generate a three-point estimate and auto-weigh the distribution for each line item
  • Drive quantitative assessments from a consensus pool and eliminate traditional three-point estimates
  • Combine human intelligence with AI culled from past projects to provide planners a full view of potential outcomes
  • Perform Monte Carlo analysis across thousands of simulations to determine contingency needed


InEight helps you incorporate real, on-going risk assessments so you easily manage risk from bid, to execution and mitigation — right through to retirement.

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Provide project teams with a collaborative, comprehensive framework to proactively assess and manage risks.


Create more accurate schedules and budgets using artificial intelligence (AI) + human intelligence (HI) to incorporate the impact of event and uncertainty risk.


Apply sophisticated Monte Carlo simulations to calculate cost and duration contingencies required to achieve a desired level of confidence.

InEight Risk Management helps you assess risk on current and future projects. Through its AI engine, the more you use the software, the more intelligent it becomes, and the more relevant suggestions it surfaces.

Related Resources

Project Controls Symposium by AACEI Houston Gulf Coast Section

Project Controls Symposium by AACEI Houston Gulf Coast Section

Location: Houston, TX | Date: March 7, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. | Venue: University of Houston – Student Center South: 4800 Calhoun Rd, Houston, TX 77204 | Speakers: Dominic Cozzetto, Director, Product Management, InEight | Session Title: “The Intersection of Estimating and Project Controls Leads to a Data-Driven Future”

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