Short-Interval Planning

Deliver the most realistic plans with short-interval planning.

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Align your short-interval plan to your CPM schedule for seamless stakeholder communication

Now you have the freedom to stop developing and managing your lookahead schedules in a separate effort outside of the master schedule. Integrate SIP with the CPM schedule allowing you to plan your workforce in alignment with the overall project plan.

Leverage SIP’s digital whiteboard experience to drive field execution planning

Our digital planning experience allows you to interact in the same environment for real-time collaboration. Now you can identify where your scope of work intersects with other disciplines and compare crew movements across a project.

Validate AI-produced CPMs with field execution planning

When a SIP step extends beyond the planned CPM date, a status of “breached” flags the user of the misalignment, driving critical decision-making of schedule changes.

Enhanced functionality included:

InEight Schedule

  • Rapid step creation
  • Last-mile planning
  • Redesigned interface

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