On average, 12% of a capital construction project’s total valuation goes to rework. Avoiding Rework in Capital Construction delves into innovative document control strategies and technologies that streamline your operations and ensure that every...
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Embracing new technology is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in construction. But the path to adoption is often fraught with challenges, including resistance to change and securing executive support. Crystallizing Your Case for Change: 5 Steps for Championing Construction Technology offers a 5-step framework to guide capital construction teams through the process of promoting […]
On average, 12% of a capital construction project’s total valuation goes to rework. Avoiding Rework in Capital Construction For decades, scheduling practices have been held back by available tools and—let’s face it—traditional thinking. Increasingly complex projects make accurate schedules even harder to achieve. For Profitable Construction, Rethink Scheduling explores a new and different future—one where […]
Don’t let scheduling myths define your reality. 3 Scheduling Myths Limiting Capital Construction explores the misguided mindsets that have plagued the scheduling process for decades. Explore how breaking these myths can help: Inside this e-book, you’ll find the truth behind many of scheduling’s most pervasive myths, and actionable steps for replacing those limiting patterns with […]
Document control takes many shapes and forms. In InEight’s years of providing purpose-build capital construction solutions, organizations constantly find new and exciting ways to shape our tools to better fit their needs. 3 Tips: Driving Value With Document Control explores how leading North American contractors not only use InEight Document to maintain control of their […]
Capital construction projects generate countless data points, which in turn generate an opportunity for more accurate and profitable estimates. Improve Your Estimates with Past Project Data demonstrates how estimating teams can improve their performance, control costs, and shorten turnaround times by making better use of with past project data. This e-book explores key strategies for: […]
If you’ve ever grappled with how best to have a simple yet powerful snapshot of your capital projects, you’re not alone. To help simplify things, we’ve come up with five ways to improve your project knowledge through real-time reporting using today’s best construction project management software. These reports will help you reduce time spent collecting […]