What's an intelligent model? A simple definition might be the geometry, shapes, 3D faces and vertices that make up the spatial definition of things we're building linked to information such as that contained in databases, documents, photos and...
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Behind the Build
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It’s well known that building information modeling (BIM) has set the bar high when it comes to saving time and money — the two project resources against which your construction progress and performance are typically measured. What may not be as well-known is BIM’s ability to protect another key project resource: your on-site team. […]
Though it actually started in the 1980s, building information modeling, or “BIM,” only began making real headway into construction around the turn of the millennium. Yet through its relatively long evolution, many people in the industry still regard BIM as little more than software that creates multi-dimensional building models. In reality, BIM software has […]
Quantity takeoff refers to the process of estimating drawings, plans, materials, etc., to deliver an accurate forecast for construction costs. The quantity takeoff is the first step in arriving at a fully detailed estimate, with the second step being forecasting costs based on the takeoff. The takeoff is a heavily detailed, complicated process within an […]
With construction companies making the transition to using BIM solution (BIM) in their projects, there’s no shortage of effort going into the technical aspects of ensuring everything will work as planned. And that makes sense. After all, you want to make sure software and hardware compatibility and capabilities are aligned. But that’s only part […]
While digital engineering adoption is still in its infancy, construction companies are coming around to its promise of markedly improved time, cost and quality efficiencies across a project’s life cycle. Before jumping into this technology and its benefits, here are three areas you will benefit from discussing with your main project team to help drill […]
Schedule. Cost. Quality. Far from being mere static measures of project performance, there’s so much you can actually do with these to make them work for you through the entire life cycle of your projects. Traditional methods of collecting and tracking these three vital aspects often fall short, though, which is why more and more […]