Quantity takeoff refers to the process of estimating drawings, plans, materials, etc., to deliver an accurate forecast for construction costs. The quantity takeoff is the first step in arriving at a fully detailed estimate, with the second step...
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Behind the Build
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Building information modeling (BIM) has typically been seen as an effective 3D modeling process for infrastructure projects’ planning, design and construction phases. Interestingly, it hasn’t been widely regarded as the go-to method for managing those assets once built. It’s as if BIM’s value ends at turnover; but it has a lot more to offer beyond […]
https://ineight.com/products/ineight-plan/Excellent communication truly is the linchpin for all successful projects in the dynamic world of construction and infrastructure development. The penalty for ineffective communication in general can be costly errors, delays and even safety hazards. Drawings, often called the blueprints of a project, are a crucial aspect of effective communication. Why? Because they visually represent […]
Digital twins are not a new concept. Since first being employed during a compromised Apollo mission in 1970, this advanced construction technology has moved beyond aerospace use, demonstrating value in industries like healthcare, automotive and construction. While it might seem they’re in the relative infancy of their adoption in our industry, they’ve been experiencing a […]
A Digital Twin is effectively a digital replica of an object, process or a system. I’ve spoken many times about the Digital Twin in the objective form — usually a construction asset that is real and tangible. For our discussion here, I’m going to consider the Twin as more of a system or a process […]
Modeling has gone full-force, high-tech. This is why more and more capital project contractors have begun turning to building information modeling (BIM) to gain efficiencies in time and effort that have long eluded them — and cost them in less-than-optimal project outcomes. Yet while having BIM is one thing, knowing how to use it to […]
A digital twin is a virtual exact copy of a physical object. But it’s more than just a digital representation of a real-world project. Such a replica provides new ways to think about and manage projects (and assets) at a very fundamental level. Digital twins are gaining traction among construction companies that have implemented building […]