You’ve got the crafts people and specialty trades people lined up. Schedules and budgets are prepared and approved. Heavy equipment and tools are allocated and ready to go. But there’s one more thing to do before the build begins: Ensure your back...
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Behind the Build
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To many folks in the construction industry, risk is a four-letter word. In fact, when I discuss the topic of risk with our customers, I sometimes wonder how anything ever gets built. The categories of risk abound. Sure, there’s the triumvirate of scope, time and cost to which I like to add safety and quality, […]
Most people would agree with the general statement that increased collaboration in a business is a good thing. Since the new engineering contract model, version four (NEC4) has a reputation for improving collaboration between construction clients and suppliers, jumping onboard with such contracts should be a no-brainer, right? The answer, as usual, is that it […]
With so many projects around these days, we may sometimes wonder where all the money is coming from. A lot of projects are government-funded at the state or federal level, with the aim of improving the lifestyles of their constituents — whether this is new transport infrastructure, hospitals or even new cities or business hubs. […]
When it comes to figuring out where you stand in your scheduling and risk maturity, the considerations can be mind boggling. To help you sort it all out, we’ve chosen the four most common areas or dimensions of concern: risk, collaboration, scheduling and execution. Based on our own construction experience, customer projects and industry reports, […]
Today, aims are set high for the construction industry on several fronts. Adopting a better risk management practice ranks consistently high on the list of focal points. Whether your organization has experience with Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRAs) and looks to improve, or you are currently searching for a place to begin, one crucial topic of […]
Construction project risk is the elephant in the room; everyone knows it’s there but hesitates to acknowledge it because its focus is typically on what can go wrong — a subject not only hard to predict but also uncomfortable to deal with. While we know preventing all adverse risks is impossible, proactively reducing their occurrences […]