Old habits are hard to break. It’s just human nature for people to instinctively hold on to what they believe is the “right” way to do things even when something better is within reach. In large part, this is why the drive for construction project...
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Behind the Build
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Imagine for a moment that you asked 10 colleagues to write a story on a given topic. You didn’t provide any direction — no cues as to structure, characters or setting — you simply let them submit their pieces independently. Once the stories were returned back to you, you then tried to piece together a […]
Many of us have been thrown into a situation we’ve never been in – a global pandemic featuring COVID-19. While we may have planned for the typical unexpected challenges as far as construction projects go, no script existed for this. But the pandemic’s extraordinary, far-reaching impact has also presented us with a rare opportunity to […]
We are all connected — this is an undeniable fact. We feel it day in and day out, although it might be hard to actually quantify. But in construction, true connectivity can be measured in terms of increased efficiency and productivity if meaningful data is being shared and used proactively. Too many times in the […]
Partnership. It’s a word that gets used a lot in construction. However, operating in a true partnership, to achieve that elusive “win-win” is often difficult when constructing a capital project. First, there is the challenge of location with the owner often not “living” on the project site with the contractor. Second, there is the challenge […]
You can see your project in your mind, and you’re eager to break ground. That means it’s time to hire a contractor who has the proven skills to make your vision a reality. There are many best hiring practices common to multiple types of projects, from small-scale residential builds to large-scale commercial or public works […]
Having the necessary project reports in a new system is key after a software implementation project. This is especially true for construction project stakeholders after they’ve spent a lot of time and resources preparing a system for use, mapping out business processes, and conducting training. However, most of the time, it seems these reports are […]