Many of us have been thrown into a situation we’ve never been in – a global pandemic featuring COVID-19. While we may have planned for the typical unexpected challenges as far as construction projects go, no script existed for this. But the...
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Behind the Build
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While working in the construction industry over the past two decades, I’ve seen tremendous change in how companies operate on the technology front, albeit at a decidedly slower pace than other industries. But it’s inevitable that we will catch up. After all, in our everyday culture, there are already so many examples of digital transformations […]
How ingrained is project collaboration at your construction company? How about within your projects? Finding the answers may require some reflection on what the term means in your company and how it plays out. You might start with some thought provoking questions to get the ball rolling: Does everyone understand what the project outcomes will […]
Managing capital projects involves controlling for risks that can affect performance and outcomes. It all comes down to having the right information at the right time; in other words, the right data. Without such data, the risk of compromising the schedule, outrunning the budget and making less-than-optimal decisions becomes uncomfortably high. Yet, too much […]
While construction companies tend to focus hiring efforts on Millennials and Gen Zers entering and coming up in the business, there’s one group that can get overlooked in the push to alleviate the impact of the skills shortage, and that’s existing labor. The more experienced Gen Xers and Baby Boomers in particular, many of whom […]
The construction industry continues to move further along the digital transformation continuum, driven in part by the increasing role data plays in better managing projects and their outcomes. Construction companies, eager to capture all the information their projects generate, traditionally have adopted technology in the form of point solutions that improve efficiencies in managing specific […]
The world seems to turn faster around us every day. As a result, many construction companies are aggressively seeking ways to gain better efficiencies in an effort to save time and money. One way of accomplishing these goals is by adopting an integrated construction platform. Truly changing the way we work on our projects, numerous […]