Partnership. It’s a word that gets used a lot in construction. However, operating in a true partnership, to achieve that elusive “win-win” is often difficult when constructing a capital project. First, there is the challenge of location with the...
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Behind the Build
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A contract liquidated damages clause is a small part of an overall construction contract, but it can have big consequences. When invoked, it means owners are now looking at a project that is behind schedule with possible lost business opportunities on top of it. And contractors are on the hook for paying liquidated damages that […]
Have you started thinking about digitally transforming your business and what that would look like? Perhaps you’re wondering if an integrated project platform would be a good move for your business? It might seem like a premature question given that much of the industry is still in the throes of their initial adoption of project […]
The evolution and proliferation of project management technologies in the construction space is a positive sign of its rising demand and social proof of its value and viability. In fact, it’s been shown choosing the right construction project technology can even influence future hiring. Those entering the field want to know that the technology they […]
If you’ve just warmed up to the idea of investing in construction technology, you should be applauded for taking that step. After all, it’s not easy venturing into unknown territory where the investment seems large and the learning curve challenging. Yet construction-specific software technology is moving further into the mainstream as more savvy construction […]
Put simply, digitalization is the adopting of digital technologies, often to replace manual-based tasks. It then adapts business processes to those technologies to increase productivity and improve competitiveness and profitability. In the construction industry, digitalization is still in the early stages, but it’s already changing how construction companies function and how capital projects are managed. […]
If you’re exploring and adopting new construction technology to improve processes or solve particular business needs, you’ve likely discovered this isn’t just about the technology. Yes, it’s about what it can do for your construction company. But it goes beyond that. It’s really more about the people, especially those who will frequently be engaging with […]