Artificial intelligence (AI), also referred to as augmented intelligence, holds so much promise for the ways it can be applied within construction projects. Already known for its role in drone and robotic technology, it's beginning to appear in...
InEight Blog
Behind the Build
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Every project must deal with unknowns, from sudden, extreme weather conditions, material price fluctuations to supply chain interruptions or even a pandemic. These unknowns can wreak havoc on schedules, budgets, scope and success. How you choose to account for and manage all these risks can make or break your project and your ROI. Fortunately, project […]
Today’s capital construction projects are more complex than ever before. This means that truly effective project risk management must now involve more than simply generating a matrix for a bid. Gathering and effectively disseminating the data to prepare for critical conversations and the kind of active engagement that you really need requires honest, continuous risk […]
Are our construction projects on track? Is each phase being completed on time? Will we meet budget and profit estimates as scheduled? These are the kinds of questions every project manager has likely asked throughout the entire life cycle of virtually every build. Through construction software with integrated cost and planning capabilities, you can start […]
You’ve got the crafts people and specialty trades people lined up. Schedules and budgets are prepared and approved. Heavy equipment and tools are allocated and ready to go. But there’s one more thing to do before the build begins: Ensure your back office and those in the field are operating, and cooperating, in sync, helping […]
Remember being in awe of all your software could do when you first installed it? The enhanced productivity and efficiency, automated functions and data you could use to improve operations – it was wonderful. Fast-forward to today. Are your power users still enamored with its capabilities? If not, it might be time for an upgrade […]
At Proove we’ve been observing a field disconnect at our clients, meaning that in projects management practices are too often disconnected from the field/site that they are managing. My colleague Stijn has written a fair share about this on our website. I’ll not reformulate what he found but focus on how we see and how […]