Cost overruns and delayed projects are increasingly unacceptable, as owners demand that estimates, budgets and schedules better align with construction reality. Effectively matching actuals to estimates, schedules and budgets is largely dependent...
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Behind the Build
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To understand the possibilities that artificial intelligence (AI) can provide, it helps to understand how it functions, and that means first understanding our own ways of thinking and learning. As humans we think through what is called cognition, which is a fancy word for thought process or the action of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought […]
When you’re working on capital projects, or any project of a massive or particularly complex nature, it’s no longer a matter of if you need construction scheduling software but what to look for in such a solution that will best meet your company’s needs. While there’s no one universally perfect solution, there are several […]
Though there are actually five phases to a construction project – concept, planning, execution, performance monitoring and closeout – in reality, most projects consider just two: planning and execution. People theorize a lot about the value of lessons learned and archiving during closeout, but the truth is, this rarely gets done on real projects. I […]
Effective planning is the foundation of every successful construction project. As project requirements become more complex and buildings become more technologically sophisticated, the planning process itself must adapt, requiring more than conventional, traditional methods can often handle. That’s what makes construction planning software a must-have for your tech toolbox, performing the bulk of the backend […]
Looking for an effective scheduling method that can manage the vast number of tasks that make up your capital project plans? The critical path method (CPM), also known as critical path scheduling, is ideally suited for this as it is one of the most detail-oriented scheduling techniques. It’s expressed as paths of sequential activities […]
The saying goes that if you fail to plan, you’re really planning to fail. This is certainly true in the construction industry. Traditional critical path method project planning has focused on building a schedule and specifying the work required rather than trying to align work required with agreed-upon deliverable dates. But pre-planning addresses this as an […]