| 2022 | Second Edition

The second edition of the Global Capital Projects Outlook from InEight continued to build upon the themes of optimism and digitalization. We found a global construction sector full of confidence, optimism and resilience set against a tumultuous backdrop.

Four key themes are covered in the 2022 Edition:

  • Confidence remained based on strong growth prospects
  • Project certainty is still an aspiration for many
  • Technology maturity and investment is highly valued
  • Human-centric digitalization is vital

We continued to assess global construction industry trends and how owners and contractors are meeting the challenges posed by them. We also provided insights on the potential for technology to significantly improve productivity and growth.

The survey included 26 questions designed to gauge general confidence and optimism levels across the industry and assess track records, plans and attitudes towards digital transformation. Of the 300 respondents, 100 each were drawn from our focus regions of North America, Europe and APAC, giving each equal weighting in the report. Globally, 67% of respondents were project owners and 33% were contractors.

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