Earned Value Management

Get a more accurate percent complete and eliminate manual data gathering.

Leverage a connected and automated process for an objective and more accurate percent complete

Now get automated feeds of data required for EVM direct from sources. No longer is there a need for manual data-gathering. You’ll also eliminate Excel-based percent complete along with numerous quantity books. It’s a consistent way of calculating percent complete while taking out the human element.

Get richer forecasts based on accurate, performance-based data

Our solution now allows you to pivot data in the application to see what’s trending so you can get a more accurate estimate to forecast. Forecast optimistic vs. performance to date. You also get the ability to perform “what-if” analysis, which is difficult to execute in a spreadsheet without changing budgeted amounts.

Gain increased confidence in your EVM data with automated metrics that are auditable and traceable

Leverage automated EVM metrics for both cost and man-hours. You can now track your schedule and cost variances as well as cost and schedule performance indexes.

Enhanced functionality included:

InEight Control

  • Time-Phased Forecasting
  • Increased Forecasting Flexibility
  • Organizational Reporting

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